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Central PA's Progressive Weekend Report 10/27
Pipeline fight in Lancaster County turns hot, Harrisburg Sanctuary City appeal, volunteer to get out the vote, action alerts, events and mor

"Not One Penny" Rally Against Trump Tax Scam | Photos, Analysis and Action
Before Trump could touch down at the Harrisburg International Airport for his private rally, scores were gathered at the State Capitol...

Event: Wed, October 11 | PA State Capitol | 11:30am
PA Tells Trump: Not One Penny for the 1% >>> Click here for details on Facebook Trump's tax proposal would cut 6 trillion in revenues...

Lancaster Against Pipelines: This fight is real and we're not going away
Hundreds convened in Lancaster County on Sunday to dedicate a chapel that stands in the path of the proposed Atlantic Sunrise pipeline....

Alert -- Vigil at Toomey's Harrisburg Office tonight precedes tomorrow's rally to save our h
A vigil tonight precedes the Rally Friday morning at 8:30 at 228 Walnut Street and the march to PA Capitol steps (inside Capitol if...

Trump swaps the "swamp" for the "war zone," and here he found the #resistance!
A peaceful protest, co-sponsored by and more that a dozen other local groups, sends the message that--contrary to what...

Photos | PA organizers join national #resistance movement in Washington at RiseUp2017
#training #rally #Photos #KeystoneProgress #advocacy #national #Resistance #TuesdayswithToomey

Rallying cry: "We Won't Go Back!" -- Halt efforts to turn back the clock on women'
Tell your Legislators to stop this regressive onslaught against women and their right to make decisions about their own bodies. ...
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