Action Alert -- Don't sit this one out!!! Senator Casey urges action to prevent "obscene&q

At a "save our healthcare rally" in the PA Capitol Rotunda this morning, an enthusiastic crowd concurred with Senator Casey's admonition to stop the Senate GOP's "obscene" so-called healthcare bill! Unless you think the richest one or two percent of Americans need hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tax breaks, more than millions of Americans need their healthcare...then the "Trumpcare" is for you! If, however, you believe otherwise, please call and email Republican Senators during the next few days. Sen. McConnell is rushing this bill and will likely to force a vote by mid-week (June 28, 2017)! Chances are, you, or someone you care about will be adversely affected by this bill...through cuts to Medicaid/expansion...or even potential reductions in areas of coverage if on employer benefits. Don't count of far "right" senators bluffing to get more draconian measures--in the end, they will vote for these cuts. THIS IS UP TO US TO STOP!!! When speaking briefly with Senator Casey after the rally, he suggested also calling more moderate Senators (e.g. Sen. Collins and Sen. Murkowski, etc.), even if not a constituent, and if you have friends or relatives in relevant States, use social media to encourage them to also call their senators. Talk to your friends...may people don't know they or a loved one may be benefitting from a Medicaid funded program. And, don't let up on Sen. Toomey (202-224-4254 in DC -- 717-782-3951 in HBG). Consider, too, contacting you State Senators and Representatives to bring pressure to bear against the bill, and/or ask for their commitment that they will backfill any lost funding to Medicaid in the ensuing years, so no vulnerable person loses their healthcare coverage. Similarly, with County Commissioners, who are responsible for the provision Mental Health and Addiction services at the local level...they are reeling from the opioid crisis as it is! what you can...NOW IS THE TIME!!! This need not take an excessive amount of time...a phone call takes but a minute or two. Do as much as you can, as soon as you can. Speak for yourself, AND for those who cannot speak for themselves. Check here: -- if you need information about your elected officials.