Photos | ...Central Pennsylvanians tell Senator Toomey that NO CARE would not be "Better Care&q

Impassioned speakers and a determined crowd exposed the disingenuous distortions that Senator Toomey has been propagating about the Senate's disastrous "Better Care Reconciliation Act" that he helped author behind closed doors. The bill would result in 22 million more American's being without healthcare insurance after a decade. Among the many destructive aspects of this bill, perhaps the most egregious is the approximately $800 Billion that over time would be cut from the Medicaid offset a $700 Billion tax break to America's wealthiest corporations and citizens. Despite it's overwhelming unpopularity, Toomey and his Republican colleagues in the senate continued to push for an imminent vote. Happily, a temporary victory was scored, due to the actions of the many thousands of Americans across the County who--like Central Pennsylvanians--have been interacting with their Senators to urge them to reject this bill. Later in the day, Tuesday, Senator McConnell, pulled the bill from its trajectory toward a vote, due to a number of Republicans signaling there opposition to the bill in its current form! We must not rest on our laurels...continued energy must be maintained in the coming days and weeks to protect the millions of Americans who Toomey and his cohorts would sacrifice for a huge tax cut to the rich!