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Photos: "Kill the Bill - Don't Kill Us" chants Harrisburg Tuesdays with Toomey Crowd

A Tuesdays with Toomey crowd in Harrisburg gave a stand-in Senator Toomey a piece of their mind today with signs, chants, and tough questions. On behalf of the ever-absent Senator, a good natured Toomey stand-in took questions, answering with predictable Republican talking points to the boos and jeers of a crowd wanting real answers! Speakers impressed upon those present, the importance of not declaring a premature victory in quashing the destructive Graham-Cassidy bill, but admonished them to keep up the and in the future. Toomey and his band of advocates for the one percent will continue the assault on Medicare and everyday Americans through their pending Tax proposals, even if we are successful in stopping do not let down your guard! Continue calling Senator Toomey's offices, as well as hold out Senator Lisa Murkowski (202) 224-6665, and make calls to thank and hold to their commitments, Senators McCain (202) 224-2235, and Collins (202) 223-2523. If possible, attend one of the many local (Reading, Lancaster, Carlisle, and others) activities planned for Thursday, September 28th. It's working!

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