No One is Above the Law! Protect the Mueller Investigation.Harrisburg was only one of hundreds of cities across the Country that drew crowds to protest the President's transparently...
Don't let the Day--or the Election--slip away from you! Have a Plan to Vote!1.) When, what time on Tuesday, November 6th, will you vote? 2.) Where is your polling place? 3.) How will you get there (walk-car-bus)?...
Download The Vote with Me App to Easily Text Your Friends to GOTVA friendly reminder from a friend to vote is reportedly twenty times more effective than a random text from an organization. If you keep...
Have an Impact...Opportunities to Register Voters -- Sign Up to Volunteer for ShiftsVoter turnout will tell the tale in this November's mid-term elections. Increasing the pool of young registered voters will be a key! ...
Flood Patriot News with Letters to Editor Telling Barletta he SHOULD be "Defensive after Trump The July 22nd issue of the Sunday Patriot News featured a half-page article on page two, "Barletta on defensive after Trump firestorm." ...
FEARFUL OF FAIR ELECTIONS PA GOP SEEKS TO CHANGE PA CONSTITUTION TO RETAIN MAJORITY IN PERPETUITY!It is hard to grasp how, after languishing in the State Government Committee for almost a year with no action, HB722 (to form an...
A Message for Governor Wolf..."Shut Down the Berks Family Detention Center!"The Harrisburg "Tuesdays with Toomey" group had a clear message today for Governor Wolf: "Close down the Berks Family Detention Center!...
Thoughts, Prayers, and...Buckets of Rocks??? How to Not Deal with Antiquated Gun Laws!There is a common denominator in all school shootings. That's right...guns! Today, diminutive "buckets" of Thoughts, Prayers, and Rocks...