Don't let the Day--or the Election--slip away from you! Have a Plan to Vote!1.) When, what time on Tuesday, November 6th, will you vote? 2.) Where is your polling place? 3.) How will you get there (walk-car-bus)?...
Download The Vote with Me App to Easily Text Your Friends to GOTVA friendly reminder from a friend to vote is reportedly twenty times more effective than a random text from an organization. If you keep...
Local Groups Encourage Participation in our Democracy: New Voters Registered at KiponaThank you NextGen America, Capital Region Indivisible, Hershey Indivisible Team, Planned Parenthood, and all the individuals who...
VOTE FOR PATTY SMITH IN PA 104TH ~~ INTEGRITY AND INDEPENDENCECentral PA Action Agenda fully supports Patty Smith to represent the PA 104th District. Patty’s stances on education, healthcare,...
Have an Impact...Opportunities to Register Voters -- Sign Up to Volunteer for ShiftsVoter turnout will tell the tale in this November's mid-term elections. Increasing the pool of young registered voters will be a key! ...
Analysis | Democratic Candidate for PA 11, Alan Howe, unveils community-first platform at town hallIn one of the countries most gerrymandered districts, Democratic Candidate Alan How is convincing voters that he can overcome the partisan d