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URGENT ACTION: Fight Trump's Theft of Healthcare
We stopped Congress from taking our healthcare away, and now we must stop the president. Take action and fight this assault on our health.

TAKE ACTION | Stop the Trump Tax Scam
Despite promises to drain the swamp and protect the common-man, Trump's new Tax Plan would instead be a hand-out for the super-wealthy,

ACTION | Tell Elected Officials they must do more now for Puerto Rico!
Take action by making a few clicks and demand help now for our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico!

PA Congressman Perry targets Puerto Rican survivors | Take action now!
A day after meeting with President Trump in Harrisburg, Congressman Scott Perry (R, 4th District) jumped at an opportunity to spread...

Analysis | Democratic Candidate for PA 11, Alan Howe, unveils community-first platform at town hall
In one of the countries most gerrymandered districts, Democratic Candidate Alan How is convincing voters that he can overcome the partisan d

Featured Event: Phonebank your Osoff - Lancaster
#congress #Resistance #ActionAlert

...against all enemies foreign, and domestic!
If you can think of anyone who might need their memory jogged, please consider sharing this with them: Article VI of the U.S....
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