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Central PA's Progressive Weekend Report 10/27
Pipeline fight in Lancaster County turns hot, Harrisburg Sanctuary City appeal, volunteer to get out the vote, action alerts, events and mor

Action Alert | PA Senate Trying to Write Discrimination into CHIP Authorization--Tell Them NO!
Join with the group from Harrisburg Tuesdays with Toomey, which along with others at the PA Capitol today, advocated for all Pennsylvania...

TAKE ACTION | Stop the Trump Tax Scam
Despite promises to drain the swamp and protect the common-man, Trump's new Tax Plan would instead be a hand-out for the super-wealthy,

PA Congressman Perry targets Puerto Rican survivors | Take action now!
A day after meeting with President Trump in Harrisburg, Congressman Scott Perry (R, 4th District) jumped at an opportunity to spread...

"Not One Penny" Rally Against Trump Tax Scam | Photos, Analysis and Action
Before Trump could touch down at the Harrisburg International Airport for his private rally, scores were gathered at the State Capitol...

Analysis | Democratic Candidate for PA 11, Alan Howe, unveils community-first platform at town hall
In one of the countries most gerrymandered districts, Democratic Candidate Alan How is convincing voters that he can overcome the partisan d

Photos | "ToomeStones for Toomey" stage TrumpCare Die-in
The Harrisburg Tuesdays with Toomey group brought "Toomestones" for Senator Toomey as they staged a "die-in" to underscore the calamity...

Calling on Senator Toomey to reject Trump's politics of racial injustice and division!
Harrisburg Tuesdays with Toomey calls for racial justice, and an end to the politics of division. Speakers encourage increased awareness...
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